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  • Flying In and Out of Windows July 17, 2012

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
    Flying In and Out of Windows

    …could scarcely explain; but said it did not sound like an audible human voice; but rather as if the tones were whispered or impressed inside his ear. When Home awoke…

    Handlist of Adult Changelings March 30, 2012

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
    Handlist of Adult Changelings

    …of them didn’t.Which ties in extraordinarily well with the modern alien abduction phenomenon. You’ve got your bog-standard abductees. Then you’ve got your star-children, who are in every biological sense human

    What Religion did Fairies Follow? January 22, 2012

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient, Modern
    What Religion did Fairies Follow?

    humans – and to some extent every living creature – contained tiny bright specks of the actual substance of God, the entire point of their religion being to render themselves…

    What are the White Women Ghosts? March 26, 2012

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
    What are the White Women Ghosts?

    …There are tales from the Gettysburg battlefield (many from soon after the battle) about human-shaped, luminous apparitions. It has been suggested that these were the methane of decomposition rising from…

    Eating People Isn’t Wrong (in Tibet) November 7, 2011

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Modern
    Eating People Isn't Wrong (in Tibet)

    …it. Never has eating human flesh been made to seem so civilised. Think Hannibal Lecter in tails and a top hat: ‘There exist, so they said, certain human beings who…

    Impressionist Heresy in the Soviet Union November 22, 2011

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
    Impressionist Heresy in the Soviet Union

    …of the mother and the ‘cheekiness’ (an entirely inadequate word) of the boy are archetypal. They call parts of the human condition to mind in the same way that when…

    The Earliest Roman Ghost in Britain January 4, 2012

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient
    The Earliest Roman Ghost in Britain

    …simply a ghost. They may have been given ‘demonic’ ability to function as a spirit much in the same way a poltergeist – a human spirit given demonic powers –…

    Irish Giants: Prehistoric and Otherwise February 7, 2012

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern, Prehistoric
    Irish Giants: Prehistoric and Otherwise

    …should be taken of the skeleton recently disinterred at Leixlip. This extraordinary monument of gigantic human stature was found by two laborers in Leixlip churchyard on Friday, the 10th [?difficult…

    The Rocking Stone Unrocked February 10, 2012

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
    The Rocking Stone Unrocked

    …of an ancient Cornish prophecy, that no human power should ever succeed in overturning the Loggan Stone. No sooner was the prediction communicated to him, than he conceived a mischievous…

    I was afraid to move: I was gasping for breath February 12, 2012

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
    I was afraid to move: I was gasping for breath

    As those who favour the death penalty have found, killing a human being is surprisingly difficult. How much more difficult if you have a hundred, or a thousand or a…

    August 1914: Surprise or Countdown? February 14, 2012

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
    August 1914: Surprise or Countdown?

    …ant sees another ant. It sees a bird. It sees a fox or dog. But does it really see the human bearing towards its nest, something many times bigger than…

    The Earliest Description of a Zoo? April 30, 2013

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient
    The Earliest Description of a Zoo?

    …ambiguity in the mouth: at least to the historian. For example, the animals at Hierakonpolis were buried, about five thousand years ago, alongside humans presumably to follow them into the…

    Transvestite President? May 19, 2012

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Modern
    Transvestite President?

    …if he had, in failure is found the only matter of cavil. Had he assumed an elaborate female attire as a sacrifice to save a country, the heart of which…

    British Witch Initiation c. 1970 April 3, 2013

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Medieval
    British Witch Initiation c. 1970

    …crossed the girl with a sword. It was like the sacrifice of Abraham performed by sensuous schoolchildren [!wth!]. The King placed a dagger between her breasts, kissed her body intensely…

    Egyptologist Meets a Cat Goddess October 13, 2012

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Modern
    Egyptologist Meets a Cat Goddess

    …that with our daily offering of a fish brought from the market and fried for her like a burnt sacrifice. Basta had a most unearthly voice, and when she was…