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  • Beachcombed 78 December 1, 2016

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Beachcombed , trackback


    Crikey, well this has been another dramatic month… Beach has been in intense contract negotiations and will now leave his old institute and go and work in another one: he was given an offer he could not refuse and 72 hours to decide, the next three days were a sort of gnawing hell. Many times Beach has gone without food in adrenalin-full moments, but here he wanted to throw up. Not exactly:

    If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
    And treat those two impostors just the same

    Add to local concerns the changes in the international political order and there is a sense of the ground shifting under this blogger’s feet. Of course, whether the earth waltzes in a good or bad direction remains to be seen, but lots of hyperventilating and anxiety in house Beach.  There follow the most interesting words sent in to StrangeHistory. Thanks to all contributors and linkers and have a brilliant December!

    Advice on Good Gov’t: Stephen D with a cracker…

    Exploding Witch Bottles: Chris from Haunted Ohio Books and Richard S, look out for the exploding urine samples…

    FOI and Noah’s Ark: Alan on a hypothetical but convincing rock and Bruce T with national security…

    Gonzalo Guerrero: Filip reminds us of de Aguilar…

    Herman Goring in Plymouth: LTM invokes Santa amd KMH on identification…

    Historical Child Scarers: Southern Man with a really creepy Napoleon lullaby…

    In Search of Crimean Gothic: Bruce T reminds us of other linguistic tall tales…

    Killer Snake Wheels: Ruth B up in arms and James H shaking his head sadly…

    Memories of the Revolutionary Wars: Floodmouse thinks pensions

    Milk Stealers: Anonymous twitter talks about milk stealing from stomachs…

    Sadistic Supernatural Creatures: AOD with a cracking email, as of 25 Nov the best of the month

    The Battle of the Three Kings: Bruce T on battles with tribal confederations and Beach himself with Brunanburh…

    The Cuckold, The Painted Belly: Chris S. with the story (Kevin also got it), Invisible and David O with a Spanish equivalent…

    The Ghost in a Tree: Chris from Haunted Ohio Books solves part of the case, Bruce T on sycamores and KON with some comparisons…

    The Oldest Phrase in the World: Chris S with the oldest pop song in the world…

    The Origins of Canard: Edgar goes back beyond the Revolution…

    The Pickpocket’s Diamond Ring: Peter Burger with a Dutch example…

    The Tower Monster: Loes with a new source…

    Witch Murder Terror: AL on a very recent case of witchcraft…

    Wrecking Fairies: Leif with all important context…