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  • Victorian Urban Legends: The Spanish Mayor September 28, 2017

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern , trackback

    This story comes from a Spanish correspondent to a Victorian newspaper. This then, if as Beach suspects it is, an urban legend is a Spanish urban legend: note that it is a very old story, versions can be found in many different countries.

    From Arragon there is a curious story, which, if true, is rather unfavourable to the morality of the municipal authorities of that province. It is said that the Alcalde (Mayor) of a village had a sum of public money in his house, and, having occasion to absent himself for a day, he enjoined the utmost vigilance upon his teniente or adjoint, in order that the money might not be stolen. He then departed, but happening to meet upon the road some civil guards or gensdarmes [sic], he desired them to go to his house, and remain there until his return. About 1 in the morning, three men forced their way into the house, and by their menaces compelled the Alcalde’s wife to give up the money, but, before they could take possession of it they were shot down by the gensdarmes. On removing masks that covered their faces they were found to be the teniente-Alcalde himself, the secretary of the corporation, and a regidor, or Alderman.

    Why would the Alcalde be foolish enough to tell the civil guards to watch his house? Surely the implication is that, in Spain, in 1857, officers of the crown don’t carry out orders. The mayor got his comeuppance because these civil guards were rather more serious than the average. Any other versions: drbeachcombing At yahoo DOT com

    Royal Cornwall Gazette (19 Jun 1857)