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  • The Coker Hill Haunting 4: The Counter Spells March 5, 2018

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern , trackback

    coker hill

    The Coker Hill haunting is unusual, first, in that we know that the locals believed it was a case of ‘overlooking’ or witchcraft (rather than a ghost); and, second, in that we know two of the spells employed against this malicious use of witchcraft.

    Spell One

    Matters were beginning to look serious and it is stated that an inhabitant of East Chinnock determined to rid the woman of her enemy – for it was taken for granted that she was overlooked by some one who had spleen against her. Having armed himself with piece of beeswax, he proceeded to the cottage and went through certain performances in the midst of the family group. The wax was melted before the fire, certain incantations were performed, and the 68th Psalm was read, in which the following verse is found: ‘wax melteth before the fire, let the wicked perish the presence of God’ which, it is stated, suggested the ceremony. The High Priest declared that the spell was broken, and that there would be no further disturbance.

    The use of melting wax is well known in nineteenth-century magic: though they are usually described in the abstract, not as an active piece of magic as here. It is a great pity that the ‘certain performances’  and ‘certain incantations’ are not detailed. The spell, apparently worked, for though the noises continued, they got diminished after this intervention.

    Spell Two

    A second newspaper report gives us this fascinating claim. Beach has never come across anything approaching this spell, though it has a certain internal logic.

    The Lord’s Prayer has, it is asserted, been written backwards underneath the woman’s bed to scare the ‘ghost,’ and about midnight a noise similar to that made by a person when scrubbing may be heard at the spot!

    Parallels for these two spells: drbeachcombing AT gmail DOT com